Mamkhize before, after and now,an inspiration

Have you seen her recent pictures? Have you seen the pictures from last year? Have you seen the pictures from the before last when she was still married? If you have you would notice that she has kept the same smile although transforming her look and lifestyle.



Many make Mankhize’s transformation a joke but to me it is an aspiration! She is definitely teaching us, more especially women that you can definitely change your life to whatever it is you want it to be in a blink of an eye.

Even if or though that blink might take up to a few years enjoy the process while it lasts because you are going to get where you want to be.

If you thought that you were stuck at one point of your life you surely have not heard about this woman!

She has kept us in the loop of her journey allowing us to have witnessed through a variety of social media platforms.

I realised and I have definitely learnt a two or three from this one. If you thought that you are stuck you definitely have to check this woman’s manner of transforming her life for the better and for her fulfilment.

Just after her divorce I have noticed that she has worked on her self even though it was not a slow process, the girl made the most of each and every single moment.