MaMkhize And Her Son, Andile Mpisane Break The Internet Once Again

Once again the dynamic duo has shown the world who the bosses are. In all honestly it really looks like we came to this world to accompany MaMkhize and Andile because we all want their lives. The two have all the money in the world, the wear expensive clothes, not just any expensive clothes but designer clothes. But most importantly MaMkhize and her son andile really love each other. As much as Andile is now a young adult and in his 20s Shawn Mkhize, his mother is still not shy to he affectionate around his son and to show the world how much she loves him.

Anyways enough about all that, Shawn Mkhize took to her Instagram this morning and posted pictures of herself and her prince as she would call him and the internet just went crazy. Social media users could not help but stan the unbreakable duo, see some of the interesting comments. The picture got over 50 000 likes and more than 1 000 comments with people even referring her as their president