Mama Jackie demands an apology from Amanda du-Pont and Masechaba Khumalo

Molemo “Jub Jub” Maarohanye’s mom, Jackie Maarohanye, known as Mama Jackie, has come out to guard herself from charges made by Amanda du-Pont and Masechaba Khumalo.

Mother Jackie’s name came up after Du-Pont made a few charges against her child, including that of assault, during her ardent Instagram video reacting to Jub Jub’s cases.




Du-Pont asserted that the financial specialist siphoned cash from a confidence in which Oprah Winfrey had given north of 1,000,000 dollars. She additionally made a few cases of sexual orientation based savagery against JubJub during their two-year relationship.

TimesLIVE detailed that Mama Jackie has sent a lawful letter to Du-Pont requesting a statement of regret.

In the lawful letter from BDK Attorneys, which has been seen by the distribution, Mama Jackie denied the cases and claimed they were, “intentionally misleading individuals from the general population by expressing as well as suggesting that our customer is a lawbreaker, our customer was associated with upsetting and fake dealings with Oprah, that our customer has some hold over her child and that our customer rehearses with muti.”

Mother Jackie states she was not associated with Amanda and Jub Jub’s relationship nor does she manage umuthi (black magic).

The questionable finance manager likewise disapproves of Masechaba later she asserted she was attacked by Jub Jub at her Naturena home.

She denied the claim and is requesting that the two ladies apologize, eliminate their web-based media posts and withdraw their assertions.

Mom Jackie’s lawful group said in the event that the requests are not met in the following 48 hours, they will move toward the high court.

Her legitimate group addressed a voice note that was spilled and announced by certain distributions.

In it, she guarantees that Du-Pont illuminated her she was pregnant with twins and that the entertainer ought to be the keep going individual to remark on individuals’ past on the grounds that she has her own skeletons.

“She had sent that voice note on a private gathering and gave no consent for it to be circulated. She will likewise be making a lawful move against the individual who distributed the voice note,” the lawful letter finished up.