Makhumalo Left mzansi talking in social media after she revealed the name of her husband’s girlfriend. Makhumalo recently took it to her Instagram page where she laugh at her husband who was crying for his girlfriend MaMtolo.
With caption: “looking Mthombeni crying for MaMtolo like.. yes criminal I have married.” She writes. She wrote.
Mzansi Is wondering whether the number 5 which Mseleku has been talking about does exist or not? In the last episode of Uthando Nesthembu we saw Musa Mseleku finally revealing the surname of the person he want to take as his wife number 5.
Thobile Makhumalo Mseleku recently took it to her social media page where she also speaks about what happened in the last episode of Uthando Nesthembu. In yesterday’s episode we saw Makhumalo laughing after she see her husband crying because he want his wife to permit him to cheat.
Musa Mseleku revealed to his wives that he does not want to pay lobola to her and he does not want to make her his wife but rather be a girlfriend. Musa Mseleku was seen in national tv crying and begging his wives to allow him to have a girlfriend. This come after he said the surname of his new girlfriend is MaMtolo but he will not go into details.
Makhumalo was seen asking Musa who is MaMtolo.
With caption: “MaMtolo is not a wife because you didn’t pay lobola to her, so what is she?
Musa Mseleku popular known marriage expert from a reality tv show Uthando Nesthembu recently revealed his girlfriends name for the firstly time. Apparently his wife’s are not happy while some still threatens to leave. Musa Mseleku is a man with principles and he does not like it when his wife’s defeat him.