Makhadzi Show Flops In Swaziland

Solanis is a lifestyle club in Swaziland that has hosted some of South Africa’s finest talent. The national treasure from Venda, Makhadzi, was booked at Solanis recently, and things didn’t go as planned. Cars were damaged, people were injured; there was total chaos during her show. We as a publication have been urging South African musicians to refrain from performing in the kingdom, due to the situation right now. We believe Makhadzi messed up, and we’ll tell you why.




Fools Walk In Where Angels Fear To Tread

Market research is very important, it doesn’t matter what industry you’re in. If you offer your services in a country you’re not used to, you need to know a thing or two about the place. Makhadzi should’ve known that there’s political unrest in Swaziland. She should’ve known that things are very sensitive over there and there’s a chance violence would ensue.

The people of Swaziland are taking every chance they can get to voice their concerns over being denied democracy. Knowing how popular Solanis is, those calling for democracy saw an opportunity to host a violent demonstration. According to reports, the crowd was split into two at some point during the show, and people started throwing bottles left and right. The whole thing was soon shut down, and the establishment has announced that it won’t be hosting shows for a while.

Watch Your Step

We as a publication were of the opinion that Big Zulu and Boohle made a mistake by performing in Swaziland. We mentioned how Mafikizolo and Sjava boycotted their performances after learning about how bad things were in the kingdom. The SABC and other media bodies in SA and around the world have been covering the developments in the country. Still, Makhadzi thought it was a good idea to showcase her talent in Swaziland in spite of all the problems.

Do you feel sorry for Makhadzi for what happened or do you think she deserved it? Would you say this is a warning to other South African performers? What advice would you give to any SA ,musician planning to take Swaziland by storm? Let us know what you think in the comments below, share with a Makhadzi fan, and FOLLOW FOR EVERYTHING SWAZILAND!