Makhadzi revives Papa Penny’s song

MAKHADZI has turned into a worldwide symbol, however she hasn’t failed to remember her underlying foundations.





She as of late thought about her excursion and said thanks to Dad Penny for leading for her.

She took to Facebook and stated: “Daddy Penny delivered the melody Milandu Bhe back in 1994 preceding I was conceived. My dad had his Cds and played his melodies a great deal, and Milandu Bhe turned into my record-breaking main tune. At the point when I heard the beat, first words that came to me were ‘milandu bhe’, and I called him for a change of the tune the Makhadzi way and he supported. I regard the legends who opened up ways for us new specialists.”

Her fans couldn’t be more joyful.

They additionally said thanks to Dad Penny for the immortal tune.

Brendie Harrer complimented Daddy and stated: “Penny vanquished Africa during the 90s. That is the point at which I began to accept that music to be sure is a widespread language.”

Regina Chauke said: “I love the humankind, the regard, the adoration you have for our legends. Remain humble my sister and see the Ruler lifting you up to an ever increasing extent. You are a gift to us, and we are so pleased with you. Aa.”