Makhadzi in nasty fight with Zimbabwean best friend Loraine Guyo after clash over male friend

South African observed artistMakhadzi is supposedly not appreciating both perspectives with new recently found Zimbabwean amigo Lorain Guyo, an insider claims.

Chatterbox Evidence Chihera, a Zimbabwean socialite in her own ability guarantees that the sentiment among Makhadzi and Loraine Guyo, has unfortunately reached a conclusion after Loraine began dating Makhadzi’s dearest companion.


The multi-grant winning South African artist presented Loraine as her closest companion and “child sister” following Durban July this year.

The two have been caught clubbing together in Mzansi’s regarded retreats including South Africa’s head horse racing occasion Durban July.

Recently, the two’s fellowship had been on the low via web-based entertainment contrasted with earlier months.

While many had been breaking heads on what befell the two, Zimbabwe’s Evidence Chihera has uncovered claimed inside intel that the two are as of now not on talking conditions, after a confidential disagreement which saw them swearing not to at any point see each other once more.

It is guaranteed that after Makhadzi brought Loraine under her camp, the Zimbabwean began seeing Makhadzi’s closest companion despite her good faith. The closest companion being referred to is affirmed to be Mr Brown.

Makhadzi was purportedly incensed about the advancements as she didn’t anticipate that Loraine should go despite her good faith.

She supposedly asked Loraine not to at any point go to her home once more, Evidence claims.

“Lorraine na makhadzi vakanetsana like a month back nyaya yacho yakamira kudai. Lorraine paive South Africa akadanana na dear companion ya makhadzi izvi akaita behind makhadzi. Saka akaita find out makhadzi nezvavo hazvina kumufadza ndokubva stood up to Lorraine nezvavo kuti chomie how far akamboda kuramba ramba akamuburitsira proof yacho. Makhadzi hazvina kumufadza akaudza Lorraine through trades ne mama voice note kuti handide kuna kumba kwangu usatsaure Nani. Sister Lolo vakaedza kunyengetedza however makhadzi hazvina kumufadza,” Evidence Chihera wrote in her own language on Facebook.

Loraine and Makhadzi have, in any case, not answered the cases as they haven’t openly stood up on the supposed occurrence.