The well known queen of Venda Makhadzi is allegedly accused of dating the well known afro and qgom artist Mapintsha. These allegations were started by the fiance and mother of Mapintshas kid, Babes Wodumo. Wodumo has been in a relationship with Mapintsha for some time now. They had huge arguments and fights which led to abuse.
Currently the couple has been doing well and have been raising their kid so well. Recently Wodumo made a live video insulting her mother in law. This came as a \k to people on why can she do such thing. Later on Bongekile released a media statement that it was not real just a public stunt for her upcoming music album and she apologised for using strong language when doing it, but she had to.
Two days ago Wodumo accused the well known and current favourite artist globally Makhadzi of being involved with her husband. Makhadzi has been releasing hit after hit. People love Makhadzi and her music and so far her music career is going so well. Makhadzi was quiet all along until today when she started posting denying allegations made against her.
Makhadzi replied in her home language on her Twitter page where a lot of people failed to understand and asked for translation. Makhadzi wrote that she forgives Wodumo and it’s funny how her man can find out if trending for stealing a man ,but Babes can continue doing what she wants but she must not use her name. Makhadzi also stated that by looking at Mapintsha she doubts he can satisfy her sexually.