Lufuno’s Last Recorded Words Before She Took Her Life Have Surfaced On Media And Left Many In Tears.

Lufuno the 15-year-old girl who was bullied wrote a suicidal letter with a very strong message to the bully, You can tell that her heart was very broken she was shattered after what just happened to her.


She felt like the whole world turned against her since no one even stood up for her when the bully was bullying her, this incident left a lot of people in tears despite the fact that not everyone knows this girl in person but what just happened to her is very sad.


Even in her letter she mentioned that she was not going to be able to face the world after being embarrassed on social media like that, She also did admit that she did what she was being beaten up for but that was not a reason for the bully to publish her or make fun of her like that in front of everyone and she also did apologise for her mistake which is something that was very humble love her.


She seemed like a very humble person because even that time when she was being pulled instead of fighting back or doing saying some nasty things she was apologising to the bullions trying to stop her from beating her up but seems like they bullet did not want to fix things instead she just kept on beating her up.