Loving husband and caring Father

Being a husband and a father are perhaps two of the most important roles you may have in your life, so it’s completely normal to want to put your best foot forward. Start by showing consideration for your family and learning to communicate with them more effectively. Remember that to take good care of your family, you must take care of yourself, so implement positive lifestyle choices that support your health and well-being, too.


Be there when it matters. Some moments may really stand out in your family, such as when your spouse gets passed up for a big promotion or the moment your young child learns to bike without training wheels. As a spouse and a parent, you won’t be able to be there for every single moment in their lives, but try to be there when it matters most.[1]
Avoid missing out on important sporting events, recitals, anniversaries or birthdays whenever possible. If you know it’s important to your spouse or kids, try your best to make it. If you can’t, let them know how upset you are to miss it and be sure you’re there next time.

Show interest in your spouse and kids. It’s common for many families to fall into a ho-hum pattern of only discussing things like the kids’ grades, bills, household repairs, and who’s picking up whom from sports practice. Strike a new chord when communicating with your spouse and kids by adding some new topics to the conversation.[2]
If you never ask your spouse about their day job, ask “So, how’s that big project coming along at work?”
If you never inquire about your children’s friends, you might say “How’s Rebecca adjusting to the new school?”
Changing up the way you talk helps show your family that you’re interested in them and what’s important to them.

Be a role model and practice what you preach. Don’t expect your children to follow your advice if your own behavior goes against it. Hold yourself accountable for meeting the same standards that you set for your kids.[3]
For instance, don’t lie in front of your kids–even little fibs–if you are emphasizing the importance of honesty.
If helping out is a big deal in your family, be the first to pitch in with chores or household responsibilities.

Date your spouse. When’s the last time you took your spouse out on a date? When were you last romantic and spontaneous? If it’s been a while, commit to dating your spouse more often. Compare schedules and agree on dates and times when the two of you will go out together sans kids.[4]
Dating your spouse also refers to behaviors you did when you were dating. For example, maybe you made them breakfast in bed or regularly purchased a bouquet of flowers to surprise them. Pick those romantic habits back up and watch how your marriage transforms.