Look What Nota said about Chicco Twala that left people talking.

Controversial businessman and entertainment manager Nota Baloyi left many people shocked and in disbelief after what he said about legendary musician Chicco Twala. Regular social media users are probably used to Nota’s controversial remarks about other public figures.




Sometimes it seems like Nota is thriving through controversies, as he has once again lashed at Twala. Nota claimed that, he met with South African legendary actor, Sello Maake KaNcube and discussed fixing the Soweto TV.

“I was with Sello Maake KaNcube talking about fixing Soweto TV and when we walked into the boardroom, I found the devil Chicco Twala there. The smell of sulphur repulsed me so much I had to leave immediately. I ended up driving to Pretoria because to get the stench of Satan off me.” Nota said.

Nota’s expressions about Chicco Twala indicates that he doesn’t like the legendary musician, and he can’t even hide it. It is difficult to speak ill of other people unless if you don’t care how they will feel after all what you have said. And to apparently call the legendary musician “Satan” is a clear indication that Nota dislikes him.

Following what Nota has said, some people indicated that they would like the legendary actor, Sello Maake KaNcube, to confirm his allegations. “I need for uncle Sello to confirm this.” One social media user responded.

However, some people braced Nota for apparently being fearless. “I’m convinced you’re John Wick, my GOAT. The Bible talks about you when it says, ‘I didn’t give you the fear.’” Another user said to Nota.

What remains unknown is, what does Nota mean when he says that there was a “smell of sulphur” and where does that smell come from?