Look how Uzalo actors look like when they are off Screen

Uzalo is the most popular show in South Africa, with over 7 million viewers per day. The show’s popularity has skyrocketed despite the fact that some viewers find it boring and confusing. As DSTV is out of reach for the vast majority of South Africans, the more affordable analogue system continues to dominate.













No matter how many times we watch it, though, it will only be worthwhile if we pay attention to the characters in the real world. The cast of the program is representative of the wide range of socioeconomic statuses in South Africa. Every social stratum, from the affluent to the middle class to the criminal underground, has its share of thugs.

As nice as it is to see everyone in their places, we can’t help but question if the person we see on TV every day is the same person we see in person. You, too, will be rendered speechless by them. DK’s insight into his persona will astound you.

To put it mildly, he’s one of the show’s younger characters. She’s only 30, but she seems considerably older thanks to her choice of wardrobe and cosmetics.


As in: Madlala & Madongwe / Madlala

Comparing Madlala and Madonna

See Madongwe 38 if you want the inside scoop on Madlala and Madongwe. How likely is it that Zekethelo, Madongwe, and Mamlambo are all the same age?

The name ” Zekethelo ”

Despite being 40 years old, Zekethelo presents like a young man. He spends all of his time working out and chugging water from the Fountain of Youth in an effort to keep his young appearance.

DK ”

Tom doesn’t even remotely resemble his real-life persona, yet DK still has him associating with criminals and giving them the finger.


All of these characteristics were shown to be present in the episode’s antagonist, a preacher who was evil. Thanks goodness he’s not like that in person.


Njeza is the type of individual who would steal cables and pose as a kidnapper if it meant making some quick cash.