” Look At The T-shirt Of The Bundle In The Background ” Post Left Us Stitched Up After Noticing This

A screenshot taken from TV surfaced on social media and left people in stitches on social media after they noticed something else.

People soon focused on a young man who was in the backdrop of the news story in an image that was supposedly obtained from live eCNA News.



As we can see in the photo below, a young man wearing a yellow t-shirt startled onlookers when they saw what was written there. It appears that the t-shirt was intended to resemble Batman’s logo but instead read “Butman.”

Tweeps continued by suggesting that the news reporter probably did not interview him because of his t-shirt.

” @ ThabisoTema ” shared on Twitter ” Look at the t-shirt of the bundle in the background. Maybe that’s why he hasn’t been placed yet ”

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