Look At Malema’s Flashy Makete Boutique, Guess Who Attend The Grand Opening?

Josey Buthane, the Economic Freedom Fighters heavyweight in Limpopo province took to social media to congratulate the leader, Julius Malema for the grand opening of Makete Hall which is a black owned boutique.

While there wasn’t much publicity about it, the grand opening of the boutique was attended by many EFF heavyweights including national chairperson, Veronica Mente, Jossie Buthane, Mailola Poppy, Omphile Maotwe and many others who were clad in black as this was the theme.

“The Buthane’s will honour the invite.Well done brother leader comrade president Julius Sello Malema. Black diamond shining,” said Buthane.

Veronica Mente shared on her Twitter page some of the photos of those who attended the grand opening. She also encouraged people to support black owned businesses.

Source: https://twitter.com/veronica_mente/status/1537332799300059137?t=pvPGK6AADiWbM9sM_dOzGw&s=19

King Monada was one of the artists who attended the grand opening and wowed the guests who were singing along and dancing to his music.

The boutique is said to have been opened in the memory of the Economic Freedom Fighters Julius Malema’s mother. Many of his followers applauded for him in honouring his mother in such a manner.




While the EFF leader seem to be doing well for himself financially, his opponents argue that money is his weakness. They also state that the fact he grew up without a present father shows in his character disguised as anger.

“Julius Malema’s behavioural traits are typical of most unguided fatherless delinquents. Had Julius grown up in a normal family home, with both parents present he would be a more mature, balanced person without all his anger issues,” they said.

During his address on Thursday, Malema stated that the collapse of VBS mutual bank was due to negligence by president Cyril Ramaphosa.

“Floyd and I met Cyril Ramaphosa in Cape Town. We said ‘when African Bank was falling, government bailed it out. We ask you to save VBS’. He refused to save it. He destroyed it,” says Malema.