Longwe Twala’s Father Visited Senzo Meyiwa’s Family On Saturday, See Why

Senzo Meyiwa’s case keeps on taking different twists and turns, as many South Africans remain hopeful that one day the truth will finally come out and perpetrators brought to justice.

This week, the Pretoria High Court heard that Longwe Twala’ father, Chicco Sello Twala was at the home of Senzo Meyiwa on Saturday. He says he spoke to Meyiwa’s mother.





Upon being asked why he visited the family of Senzo Meyiwa, he said he wanted to offer his support to the family which is still trying to get closure about the fateful day which saw their son being killed.

Longwe Twala’s father also said whoever is found guilty, the law must take its course no matter who that person is. On Monday, one of the Senzo Meyiwa’s friends who were at the house on the same day that the footballer was killed, Madlala was being cross examined about his affidavit in which he is alleged to have said Longwe Twala Meyiwa and ran away.

Senzo. He said “It was for the first time to see Longwe Twala and I did not tell anyone or the Meyiwa family that Senzo was killed by Longwe Twala because he did not have a firearm on him, instead he ran away.”

Critics however argue that Tumelo Madlala signed that statement meaning he was agreeing and satisfied with everything that was written. He said on his statement that Longwe Twala shot Senzo but couldn’t tell Senzo’s family because Longwe didn’t have the

This case has been dragging for years, and the least that people want to see is more time passing without the case going anywhere. On Monday, the defense attorney, Thobane argued that it seems there is a high profile individual being protected.