Kids are known to be very curious about everything, especially when they start being able to move around on their own without any assistance from their parents. Children are naturally curious and love to explore and learn about new things, especially in their early years. The world is big and children seem to want to know about everything about it. That’s why we often see kids doing things they aren’t supposed to be doing, such as playing with things that they aren’t supposed to be playing with, a lot of kids about there will even play with food or important things that are needed around the house without even caring about what will happen after.
There is a video that has been getting a little bit of attention on social media lately, and the video seems to be more proof that children are very curious and will do almost anything just to explore.
The video shows a little girl who was caught on camera by her parent, and she was busy spilling baby formula out of the can with a spoon, and what seems to have left a lot of people surprised was the fact that the person who was filming her, just kept filming as she was spilling out the baby formula.
People in the comments were even saying that the person who was filming did not seem to care about the baby formula they just cared about filming so that they can post the video on social media, some people were even asking why they just watched the baby do that instead of getting the baby formula away from her.