List of fired actors from the Ferguson’s film production Season 5

Ferguson productions had alot of tantrums last year, with alot of actors having been shown the door.

Also the covid lockdown came knocking hard on the Ferguson Films production


Connie had this to say: “We will not be able to deliver that content by the end of May. There’s so much going on behind the scenes. We are thinking about how we’re going to survive as a company, but not only that, we are thinking how are we going to help our people.”


The list of actors who never got their contracts renewed are: Dineo Langa, Rami Chuene, Mlamli Mangcala and Shona Ferguson himself.


Rami Chuene exit has got some drama behind it, with sub tweets Connie had this to say:“All The Queen season four contracts are ending on May 31. We have a new crop of actors carrying the story for season 5, so not everyone will be returning, including Kea and Jerry.”