Lionel Richie’s current picture with his 30 years old girlfriend

Lionel Richie is an American singer, songwriter, composer, record producer, actor, and television judge, he was born on 20 June 1949 .during the 1970s, he recorded with funk band the commodores, and his solo career made him one of the most successful balladeers of the 1980s. beginning in 1968 Richie was a member of the commodores. Richie has been in the entertainment industry all these years, he is still one of the best singers.#LOVE wins

That’s the mega-trending hashtag being used to commemorate the victim of marriage, expresses a beautiful sentiment; simple human addresses the problem of inequality by invoking the one thing that can unite us all. ❤️ Love

Lionel Richie’s current girlfriend got people talking because he is much older than her. (Lisa Parigi) she is 30 years old and they have been dating for years. as they say, love conquers it all. sometimes we may think that people date older men because of money but No sometimes is because of love. Is so surprising to see Lionel Richie looking this young and healthy, it’s clear that the man takes good care of himself. here are people’s comments on Lionel Richie’s girlfriend.