Linda Dragged For Breastfeeding Her 15 Month Old Baby Bean Linda slams the breastfeeding police

Post main imageLinda Mtoba is fuming with anger as she has to answer to people who question her parenting skills. This after she got dragged for breastfeeding her 15 month old baby.

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The actress is a loving mother to her 1 year old baby girl who she says she will stop breastfeeding until she decides to. Linda went on Instagram to issue a scathing warning to people who judge her parenting skills. According to trolls, Baby Bean, as her mother calls her, is too old to be breast fed. That assumption did not sit well with Linda and she clapped back.

“Whenever I post a pic or video of me breastfeeding Bean I’m sent so many “oh my word she’s still breastfeeding,” “akesemdala for ukuncela.” (she’s too old to breastfeed) Listen here and listen good, firstly yes and proudly so. WHO (World Health Organisation) recommends that you breastfeed until 2 (years old.)“There are far too many benefits of breastfeeding to even count, (Google is your friend). It’s my personal choice to breastfeed and to continue doing so well after 6 months or even a year. Bean is 15 months now (1 year 3 months.) I’ll stop when I’m ready to and when I feel Bean is ready too.

“For all the other breastfeeding mama’s do you. Do what’s best for you and your baby don’t get discouraged, forget the naysayers and those who feel they have a right to an opinion about your life, body and parenting. Stop parent shaming, to each he’s own,” Linda clapped back.

Linda is a proud advocate for mothers doing what works for them and their kids. Many mothers have caught heat before as the topic surrounding breast feeding has been widely debated around the world. Many people, men and women, find it uncomfortable when mothers breastfeed their babies in public
Some people describe it as “indecent” and would prefer not to be exposed to a woman’s breast or the suckling sounds of a feeding infant. The star took to social media to open up about some of the nerves she felt when she wanted to breastfeed in public. She then encouraged other mothers not to succumb to the same pressures when she said:

“I really don’t give much thought to feeding my daughter in public, she needs to eat so I feed her. I thought maybe I’d be anxious about it but speaking to other mommies truly gave me the confidence I needed to do it. Mommies it’s ok to breastfeed our babies in public & not feel any shame for it.”