Lesedi from Generations The Legacy touches the hearts of South Africans after this.

Luyanda Mzazi who played the role of Lesedi on Generations The Legacy has become one of South Africa’s heroines through the heart of giving to the less fortunate with the least that she has. 2020 is the year where Corona Virus broke out and affected the whole world as so many companies closed down and left so many people unemployed, schools could not fully and properly function as so many rules were introduced which affected school’s curriculum in order to regulate the spread of Corona Virus.

During that time so many families fell into poverty as their breadwinners were retrenched. This is the time where Luyanda Mzazi started her own foundation alongside with Nthabiseng Hlabangane which they both named “Paving Forward Foundation” which mainly focuses on the development of the youth of today and families that are in need of basic needs such as food and clothes.Luyanda Mzazi and her team have visited so many households who are seen as the less important in their communities because of the appalling situations at their homes which include sleeping without anything to put on the mouth and wearing torn clothes. Luyanda and her team try by all means to meet their needs through buying them enough groceries and clothes.Paving Forward Foundation helps so many families through visiting their children in schools and give girls sanitary pads of which they need the most monthly. Research by health inspectors has been found that so many teenage girls use socks, toilet paper and old piece of clothings during their periods because they come from underprivileged households which cannot also afford to buy them sanitary pads.





Some parents were asked that how come they cannot afford to buy their kids sanitary pads because some are as cheap as R15. A lady answered that that R15 is used to buy bread so that they can have something to eat before they sleep or candles to light up the house. Luyanda Mzazi has been trying to reach out on such communities to help with sanitary pads.I personally believe that she indeed is doing a great job in taking care of the young ones who have a brighter future ahead and who will one day do the job she is doing today. Blessings really do come in so many ways and giving back to the community is one of them, your pockets will never run dry and you will forever live in abundance