Whichever side of the bed that Lerato Kganyago woke up on today, it is clear that do not mess with her; especially if you are a man. Her first tweet of the day was reaching out to a tweep that asked if she could help her with reporting a case of assault after failing at the police station.erato then followed the tweet by calling out a tweep by the name of Mandilakhe Dlula for allegedly buying his certificate. The real tea about Mandilakhe is that he went for Lerato hard! The tweep suggested that the bubbly personality has her success because of her family; and worst of all he brought receipts!
Being dragged took Lerato into a spiral as she went off in a series of tweets. But she soon calmed down and Mother went back to caring for her children by giving money and reaching out to her children that need her the most.