It looks like what fans are asking for will never be given freely. Fans have been dying to see Pretty and Lehasa getting back together and when it happened, things didn’t go as planned and now Khwezi’s pregnancy is another obstacle. He can’t just get rid of the mother of his child, and for a long time Lehasa has been dying to have children of his own.
After he detained Khwezi, Peterson went to the hospital to see Lehasa, so he can explain to him what happened on that terrible night. Lehasa lied saying he does not remember anything. This is all because Khwezi is pregnant. He has been looking for ways to eliminate Khwezi but it looks like she is going to be part of his life forever.
A man will always protect the mother of his children no matter how bad circumstances may be. Khwezi almost killed Lehasa but all of a sudden he doesn’t want her to be arrested because he is the mother of his unborn child