Lehasa Promised Pretty To Love Her But See What His Going To Do To Her Because Of Khwezi

Lehasa maphasa is a very notable bussiness man in skeem saam. He claims business in Limpopo and gauteng too in skeem saam.

Lehasa Maphosa who is frantically infatuated with pretty seakamala and presently remaining together has impregnated Gasela Khwezikazi who have penned him in the no so distant past.






Despite the fact that Lehasa Maphosa is infatuated with Pretty, he need to right by Khwezikazi Gasela since they will have a kid together.

will pretty win this fight? Khwezikazi is more than the word risky. Also, she has compromise pretty commonly and now that pretty has dropped the insurance request against Khwezi it will be all the more simple for Khwezi to undermine or to hurt pretty.

Lehasa has vowed to deal with Pretty and to safeguard her , however is seems like the unborn child will consume his brain while Khwezi will be occupied with her psyche games.

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