Lehasa has written a will to secure Pretty’s future. See what happened tonight on skeemSaam.

True love is the most important thing in the world. Seeing how Lehasa and Pretty love each other on the screen, it gives people hope that love still exist. Lehasa is going through alot because of the trial he’s going through. Lehasa’s trial seems to make him loose control over himself and he lost hope.


For the past few days , Lehasa is always drunk bit tonight , he made the best decision of securing the future of the woman he loves. He has said it , he loves pretty so much because she reminds him of his late wife ,Zandi.

Pretty and Zandi has alot in common. Zandi was a very sweet individual who is honest and pure. She just loved painting and played very far from trouble. She feared God and that made Lehasa to love her even more. Pretty is unlike Khwezi the trouble maker. I have realised that, Lehasa may be a bad person but he really loves good ladies who are not like him.