Lehasa cries for losing Pretty Seakamela

He still wants her back?

Lehasa once cried for his break up with Pretty and he does it again this week. Lehasa also learns the truth about what really happen between Khwezi and Pretty. Why would he cry so much for Pretty?




Will Pretty take him back? I think Lehasa deserves a second chance from Pretty because there were so many misunderstandings between them, Pretty has grown now and she knows better. What will Khwezi do if Lehasa marries Pretty instead of her. Khwezi has enough drama already with her parents.

They should try again and many viewers do support them. There are also many emotions involved between them. Lehasa told Pretty that he will never hurt her ever again. Lehasa is already having doubts to marry Khwezi because his heart is still with Pretty. In my opinion I think Lehasa will do the right thing with Pretty this time around.