Legendary Singer Arthur Mafokate Hospitalised

Many of our South African celebrities are coming out to address just unwell they have been. For some of them, it is serious to the point that they are even laying in hospital beds.

Not so long ago it was actress and DJ, Thuli Phongolo who opened up about contacting COVID-19.Now it is the iconic and legendary Kwaito musician Arthur Mafokate.





Arthur posted a picture of himself lying in a hospital bed. Although he did not mention the reason why he is in hospital, Arthur took to his Instagram page and thanked the medical team for taking good care of him in the hospital.

“Thanks to the humble and dedicated team at the hospital, and to all of you that have been wishing me well since Wednesday after reading my WhatsApp status, like the message said that I will not respond to you all, but I read all your messages and appreciate all your support, may The Lord bless You in abundance”, wrote Arthur.

Arthur also revealed that he had to keep him being in hospital a secret from his parents because he did not want them to worry that much about him.

“Thanks for keeping it a secret to my parents and saving them from the stress they could have gone through had they been aware as of Tuesday that I was not fine. Aus Connie, you are my pillar of strength”, Arthur continued.”

Being in hospital is not something that anyone would want to go through, but the fact remains that we do get sick at some point and the hospital is the only place that we can get help from when we fall sick. We hope that Arthur is feeling much better and we wish him a speedy recovery.

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