Legendary guitarist Madala Kunene is in urgent need of R185,000 for health issues.

Legendary guitarist Madala Kunene is in urgent need of R185,000 for health issues.

According to TshishaLIVE, musician Guy Buttery, who works closely with him said the legend has an enlarged prostate that causes severe pain and he has had to cancel work commitments.


“There’s an eight-month waiting list with the government hospital but he is going to need something a little bit more timely. There’s urgency, so we are trying to raise funds to get him in hospital now because he has a variety of commitments and has had to cancel while he is the sole breadwinner for his family,” Guy said.

“He’s not able to move around too much. I spoke to him and he said he was still in quite a bit of pain. He did say he is better and happy there is a possibility of getting the surgery done sooner rather than later. He’s certainly not at his best.”

Madala still has concert appearances including a performance at WOMEX (Worldwide Music Expo) in Manchester as well as his upcoming European tour.

R92,554 has been raised, and the family are hopeful about Madala’s health