Legendary Gospel singer Rebecca Malope honoured with a statue

On Saturday, April 1, a statue was unveiled in Rebecca Malope’s honor in honor of her legendary career as a musician. The monument was given to Rebecca at the Bears Palace in Mpumalanga as a part of the festivities commemorating her 35th year working in the music industry.

The musician, when speaking to the Daily Sun, expressed her delight at the fact that she is receiving recognition while she is still alive. “I have always been against the trend of only celebrating people once they have passed away because it robs the person of feeling and experiencing the affection and admiration that people have for them. This is because celebrating people only after they have passed away is a trend that has been around for quite some time.”

“My hope to God has always been that I get to experience the impact that I’ve had in the world while I’m still living. I pray that this will be the case.” Hence, being acknowledged in such a manner has been a very significant realization of a long-held ambition of mine,” she remarked.

She expressed her gratitude despite the fact that the statue had come as a complete shock to her. “When I first saw the statue, I collapsed to the ground because nobody informed me that I was going to get it on Saturday. I couldn’t even begin to fathom the possibility that someone would consider honoring me in such a significant way. I have a great deal of affection for the statue that I refer to as “my twin.”

The singer has promised that she will display the monument for her followers in the very near future. “My identical twin is now staying at my home at the moment. Soon, I will be organizing a means for my supporters to have a personal encounter with the statue,” she said.

Brandon Tshabangu, the man who stated he was behind the statue, explained that they wanted to give Rebecca her flowers while she was still alive. “The purpose of what we do is to pay tribute to legendary figures and those individuals who have made significant contributions throughout their lives. Instead of bestowing a prize upon them, this will ensure that they have eternal life. So, the presence of a statue is an indication that they will live forever. “We want to immortalize them so that we can be sure that we will remember them even after they are no longer with us,” he said.

Lungelo Gumede, a well-known wax sculptor, was the one who created it. The statue is currently in her possession; however, she has the option of having it shown in our Bears Museum if she so chooses.