Lasizwe Helps A Rape Victim He has offered to help with her counselling sessions

Read more: Lasizwe Dragged For Saying Teenagers Are Promiscuous

A traumatized follower recounted her rape experience and the reality star came to her rescue by offering to pay for her counselling so she can get over her ordeal.

Lasizwe spoke to Daily Sun saying he offered to help the tweep because he wanted to help her heal from her rape experience.

“When I saw that tweet, I took it upon myself and I decided to offer my help and take her to counselling, so she can heal from it. Speaking up and talking about such a traumatic experience takes a lot of courage and guts,” he told the publication.

The tweep said, “I’m also a victim of rape and no one deserves to go through that, trust me,” she replied to a tweet. The YouTuber Lasizwe then replied to her and said: “I am offering to pay for your counselling. DM me your details and let’s see how I can help you. I am so sorry.”

The female did just as instructed by Lasizwe and she has sent him her details. She has already gone to see a doctor who told them that she will need to do an assessment to determine how many sessions she will have to attend.

“I hope these sessions help her, so she can continue with her life without being reminded of this dark time in her past,” commented the media personality.

Gender Based Violence has marred the South African headlines for a very long time now and lending his voice he said men need to unlearn a lot and finds it disturbing that men would find it pleasurable to force themselves on someone.

“It’s painful to see reports of women being raped and killed every day. But we can speed up the process of stopping these injustices by unlearning some of the things taught to men while they were growing up. First, men need to learn and understand that no means no. The fact that some people find pleasure in being forceful needs to stop,” he said.

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