Lamiez shares what her husband Khuli Chana did for her on her birthday

DJ Lamiez Morule was turning 31 years old yesterday and it’s known that she and her husband Kuli Chana always go all out for each with gifts on their special days. For instant she once bought her man a car and he has also got her expensive gifts.








This year Khuli made it even more special as Lamiez also celebrated her birthday as a mom for the first time. Khuli decided to fill their home with colorful balloons. Red and yellow balloons were placed where the gifts were. Some of the gifts included Louis Vuitton and Gucci bags.

There was also a table where a cake was placed with a huge sign written Happy birthday Lamiez with yellow, brown and white balloons.

This is the table where the cake was placed.

Lamiez also shared that there was a menu which indicated that there was a professional cook/chef.

This is the picture of the menu

This is some of the food that Lamiez was served on her birthday.