Lady Zamar Attacked For Her Recent Post About Cyber Bullying And Being Cancelled By Sjava Fans

This article was written by Birmingham J. And please don’t forget to follow my page to get more latest updates here.

Lady Zamar’s recent reports of cyberbullying have resulted in her being rejected by Syava’s fans, leading to intense hatred and hostility towards the once-popular South African singer.





Her career took a dramatic turn when she accused her ex-partner Shava of gender-based violence (GBV), but as the story progresses, doubts arise about the veracity of her claims.

While some argue that the accusation is unfounded, Lady Zamar’s claim that Syawa lied to her about the popularity of their marriage has caused controversy on social media, with supporters of both artists taking sides. As a result, Lady Zamar has become a target of anger and hatred.

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