Lady Zama fans lemme plug you on what she has been up to lately

Most of you know that she’s a musician and also a producer.Her real name is Yamikani Janet Bands born on 19 June 1987 at Tembisa.

She has been through a lot and things haven’t been easy on her side.Apparently she was raped and she opened a rape case. The rape is of 2017 September it took place in Limpopo.She never went through into every little detail but she said she will give give us some details.

1.She is always smiling some of you know that.Through every battle she face she never shows the public that she is not feeling oukay.The way she is so strong even the glow on her face continue on increasing. These are her recent pictures.If you are wondering if they are breath taking of course they are.2.Whether she’s wearing a smile or not her face always glows with innocence.Her skin is so amazing one can’t take their eyes off.Ask no questions on how she keeps glowing hear no lies because she would prolly say drink more water and be happy.

3.And another thing it seems like she really loves going out especially going out on ladies night because lately she have been captioning her pictures with #ladies night

4.either it’s Summer or Winter she brings the heat in that season with some beautiful outfits

5.Her in the red colour would make you wonder if she’s in love or married.Lady zama loves keeping her life a secret that’s why we don’t know if she’s in a relationship or not.








6.That is why she opened a rape case against Sjava who is also a musician she says they were not in a relationship as people were claiming or as we were assuming well asazi but atleast the case is still open

7.Im sure that you’ve noticed that she likes wearing dresses and yes they do suit her

8.Alright this one is my favourite she’s really beautiful angisho guys