The Real Housewives of Durban reality TV show, season ended in tears. In the final episode of the show, Annie Mthembu made a big deal about how Nonkanyiso Conco aka LaConco wasn’t truthful about who she really is.
While Jojo Robinson shared information she found out about the mysterious “Petal”, felt betrayed as she learned that Annie asked LaConco about the things she found out about her mysterious boyfriend.
The show came with a lot of bombshells and emotions.
LaConco was accused of being a liar in the second season of the show, she apparently lied that she had a new man in her life who owned a yacht. And lied about owning a house that she was actually renting.
Zalebs sources told the publication that LaConco might not be part of season 3 cast. The source also revealed that TV actress Mbali Ngiba has joined the show.
Mbali Ngiba is a South African actress and singer who had a starring role as Linda in the Mzansi Magic anthology mini-series Abangani in 2013.