King Mswati was involved in a scandalous GBV case of beating his wife, which led to her injuries

King Mswati was involved in a scandalous GBV case of beating his wife, which led to her serious injuries.

Queen Sibonelo Mngomezulu, also known as LaMbikiza, is alleged of being beaten by King Mswati for asking him who the real father of Princess Sikhanyiso’s son Prince Phikolezwe was.This is not the first time that Mswati has been accused of abusing his wives.




According to reports, the late Queen Noluthando Dube shared images of her husband’s physical abuse to journalists and political activist Lucky Lukhele.

According to rumours, the late queen LaDube was caught in bed with Ndumiso Mamba, the former minister of justice and constitutional affairs, and was immediately isolated and severely beaten by the King and his guards.

Queen LaMbikiza received a questionnaire sent to her mobile phone, but as of the time this report was being put together, she had not replied.

When contacted for comment, Lucky Lukhele, the spokesperson for the Swaziland Solidarity Network (SSN), stated that he had received images as proof from the late Queen LaDube and added that he was also aware of the attack on Queen LaMbikiza

“I am aware that LaMbikiza suffered tooth loss as a result of Mswati’s assault on her. The King is torturing other Queens because he has low self-esteem and doesn’t want them to associate with men who are his rivals. LaDube even contacted me to tell that Mswati had abused her; she even sent me some images, according to the Swaziland Solidarity Network spokesperson.

Even though the Gender Based Violence (GBV) case involving Mswati is still a closely guarded secret, LaMbikiza later told some of her close friends the heartbreaking tale while she was in the hospital in or around February 2021.

When she was going to the hospital to get her artificial teeth, she even informed me that he had assaulted her and she had lost her teeth. Check her passport in February 2021 and then follow that evidence if you want to confirm this. After the birth of Phikolezwe, she was attacked, according to an individual who is close to Queen LaMbikiza

Queen Sibonelo Mngomezulu (LaMbikiza), according to an independent investigation by this Swaziland News, left the country on or about August 15, 2022. Her diplomatic passport indicates that she boarded flight 3DC-SWz to South Africa at around 10:54am.

According to rumours, the Queen had artificial teeth implanted at the time.

However, royal sources deny all claims, claiming that the Queen was actually receiving treatment in South Africa for a completely unrelated disease rather than for her teeth.

She underwent surgery because she is ill. It’s true that the King and the Queen are now engaged in a serious fight. In addition, the Queen tried to counsel the King that he should pay attention to the people, but the King accused her of being a sellout and that she was attempting to assassinate him, according to the royal insider who is close to Mswati and Queen Sibonelo Mngomezulu.

Another former member of the King’s Advisory Council attested to the Queen having told him about the assault.The former member of the King’s Advisory Council claimed, “She even gave me a picture after the assault and was obliged not to appear in public until she receives medical care.”

King Mswati is accused of manipulating the Constitution to elevate himself above the law and rules eSwatini as an absolute monarch with executive, judicial, and legislative powers.Because of this, the King cannot be prosecuted in eSwatini for severe accusations of gender-based violence and held accountable (GBV).