King Letsie’s Life Exemplary- Mswati

King Letsie III’s life, according to His Majesty King Mswati III, was exemplary, if not exceptional. The King was speaking at Setsoto Stadium when he conveyed birthday greetings on behalf of the leaders present, which included Botswana President Mokgweetsi Masisi, as well as Zambian and Zimbabwean foreign affairs ministers who represented their respective presidents.



“Your Majesty, as you turn 60 years old, we wish to thank the Almighty God for guiding and keeping you with grace, and we pray that He gives you more wisdom and many more years to come. “May we also remind all who are gathered here today that reaching the age of 60 is not getting older but getting more knowledgeable, enlightened, and insightful, to list just a few attributes,” His Majesty King Mswati III said.

He stated that King Letsie III has gotten more distinctive, and the only little cost is grey hair. Even back then, the King claimed that grey hair resembles threads of glitter that are glistening with knowledge. “It is remarkable that there are no signs of wrinkles on your face. However, if you do get to such a stage, worry not, as these are a landmark of the many smiles you would have shared while making the lives of others and the people you have been entrusted to lead more meaningful,” he explained.

His Majesty the King stated that it is not the number of years in the King’s life that counts, but the sort of life he has led throughout those years. “We can safely say that your life has been quite exemplary, if not exceptional. “Your leadership acumen has been recognised by many, including the African Union, which has entrusted you with the responsibility of being the au nutrition champion. This is a highly important role that champions the implementation of diverse policies and interventions to address malnutrition in all its forms through agriculture, food systems, and other areas,” he said.

The King also praised his enthusiasm for youth development as Patron of the Prince Mohato Award, which encourages Basotho youngsters to pursue self-realization and community service. “We do believe that it is for these, among many other reasons, that the people of Lesotho have turned to you to lead the way during the most challenging of times. They are lucky to have you as their leader,” Mswati declared.

Mswati said he was deeply honored and privileged to be invited to this significant event commemorating His Majesty the King’s 60th birthday. “We wish to thank the government and the people of Lesotho for the warm hospitality extended to all of us since our arrival here in the Mountain Kingdom. We also extend fraternal greetings and hearty congratulations from Her Majesty the Queen Mother and the people of Eswatini to you and the people of this great nation,” the King said.