Khwezi beauty products puts Sthoko in da nger

Babeile has just come to the realization that he exaggerated the entire incident and that Sthoko was not the appropriate person to hold responsible for Lewatle and Paxton’s unreasonable actions following their altercation over the school trip.


It appears that Babeile will buy a gift for Sthoko, his girlfriend, as retaliation for making her feel inferior and holding her accountable for Lewatle’s actions during the school trip. Babeile is going to buy Sthoko’s gift from the ‘Khwezi Beauty’ products, which come highly recommended.According to teasers for April 2024, Sthoko is rushed to the emergency room (hospital). The teasers further reveal that Pretty will be disturbed to learn Lehasa may have had a hand in Sthoko’s injuries, while Babeile and Petersen collaborate against Lehasa.Teaser April 2024:

Sthoko is rushed to the ER.

Babeile has an idea who may have harmed Sthoko.

Pretty is disturbed to learn Lehasa may have had a hand in Sthoko’s injuries, meanwhile Babeile and Petersen collaborate against Lehasa.

Lehasa has always been against Khwezi’s success, and he can actually do anything to jeopardise her products. He once poisoned her products and anonymously wrote bad remarks, pretending they were from other people, just to make her business seem bad.

There are high chances that Lehasa might be the one who poisoned the beauty products, so Khwezi’s business can end up in jeopardy. Hopefully, whoever is responsible for this deed will be exposed and pay for his deeds.