Khune’s ex girlfriend gives birth to a baby boy

Minnie Dlamini Jones has born a bouncing baby kid named Netha Makhosini Jones, pictures, and celebrity media personality. Minnie announcing “Our King arrived, Netha Makhosini Jones, welcoming on Instagram. On the evening of 15 November, Minnie delivered her son.

It is a dream come true to start a family with you, Mr Jones, and I couldn’t have chosen a better man to be our child’s father. However, God proved that death gives us new life and we wholeheartedly welcome this wonder, and that our family is enduring such a painful loss.

The pregnancy of Minnie Dlamini Jones was a well-kept secret, the personality of the media, and Idols SA judge Unathi Nkayirevealed that she struggled with the secret and was afraid to spill the beans out. My back will stiffen any time anyone mentions your name @minniedlamini. Scared, out of sheer enthusiasm, I would slip and spill the beans