Khuli Chana’s wife’s recent pictures cause a stir with her fans. See pictures

Having a great personality is very important. You get to just do you and live life because looking at everyone around stops you from loving your life. When you are genuinely happy with your life everything else flows through. Being happy is truly a choice and only few people get to choose it.

Lamiez Holworthy is one of the content people in the music industry. She is just doing herself and enjoying her work. And she seems to be keeping less company around her, she is always hanging out with her husband, Khuli Chana.

If you see her in her videos dancing while at a gig, you won’t help it but love her. Her smile is also everything. There’s just something about her that will make you not to like her. She posted pictures of herself ready for a gig and her fans couldn’t help but complement her beautiful smile. While others love her sneaker. And it is indeed beautiful.

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