Khuli Chana and Lamiez joined other celebrities taking a photo next a Christmas tree

Khuli and Lamiez shared their Christmas photo but not wearing matching clothes like other couples. They would have been great if they decided to match this Christmas. These 2 are one of the best couples in South Africa.


They have a lot to be thankful for this year, they got married and also expecting their first child together. Khuli and Lamiez had the best Christmas this year you can see it with the smiles on their faces.

Every woman out there wants a relationship just like Lamiez. She is a true life partner and always supportive. This year many celebrities took family photos next to the Christmas tree and to some of them it’s a new thing. They do this to share memories and enjoy with their big or small family. Family is important and Khuli Chana is a lucky man indeed.