Kelly Khumalo left Mzansi amazed after doing this.

Kelly Khumalo a well known singer, she left people amazed after posting her video walking besides the road without any car or body gaurds. This made people start talking about her some they found this act selfless. Her fans fell in love with her there and there, it’s hard to think that you can see your Celebrity walking on the raid while you’re in your car.





Messages kept coming in in her post on Instagram people Express their happiness seeing her walking. Some they even started noticing how beautiful she is. We all know that it’s not everyday when you will meet your Celebrity walking on the road under a scorching sun.

People consider this being selfless and down to earth. I think there was a message behind this act and it was purposely made to show the good side Kelly have. We keep forgetting that no matter how much we love them, but they’re human being. They started somewhere they were not born with fame and all the publicity they have now.

Social Media users were very happy, they were praising her. Some of their comments below: