Kelly Khumalo Decided To Share This Video Of Herself, See Here

After a few snaps that singer Kelly Khumalo shared with her followers on Instagram in these past few days, we can tell that she is having a good time where she is.



She is having so much fun that she is probably not aware of what is being said about those pictures on social media right now, not to say that she should be focusing on the negative things.

But as it has always been the case, she eventually finds out about what is said on social media streets, she trends to a point where people around her know what is going on.

And they are probably left with no option, but to just tell her so that she can decide if she is going to address the matter or not, as you might have seen, she was trending last night and this was because of the pictures that she posted where she was in a bikini.

Someone shared one of the pictures on Twitter, zoomed it in and pointed out that the singer has a scar on her left bun.

As expected, this was another opportunity for the haters to say all sorts of things about the singer and one would swear that Kelly will always be the reason for a lot of the discussions that people have on a normal day.

The singer has now become a major part of people’s everyday lives, some people always react to anything that has to do with Kelly.

And that is how it has been for the longest time, but it seems like she will not let anything bring her mood down.

Hours ago, she shared a video on Instagram and it seems like she was being a bit shady, but it is hard to tell, she mentioned in the caption of the post that she is wrinkle free and it was all thanks to Dr Keshian Naidoo.

This might seem a bit random, but you would know that this has always been Kelly, she posts anything and everything and this probably depends on how she is feeling.

Sometimes days go by without her posting, but when she does, she makes sure that people go wild just as they did over her recent picture.

So, in the video on Instagram, Kelly is heard talking about her time in Greece and how she has been able to speak English the way she wants.

And she also talks a bit about how her skin is flawless, she mentioned that she might have a slightly bigger forehead than average, but she does not have any wrinkles.