Kelly Khumalo and sister signed a R22 mil deal with Netflix for documentary of Senzo Meyiwa’s death

According to reports Kelly Khumalo and her sister Zandie Khumalo-Gumede have reportedly signed a R22 miliion deal with Netflix to produce a ducu-series about the version of events that took place inside the house the night Senzo Meyiwa was killed.

According to reports Mama Joy, Maggie Phiri, and some of the Orlando Pirates soccer players and political figures will be interviewed on the documentary-series.



The Netflix series is expected to start shooting soon and airing just after the Kelly Khumalo show finishes on Showmax.

These news caused a rant on Twitter and here is what some tweeps had to say:

To think Senzo’s dad died without getting justice for his son’s death, and now Kelly will be making money from the same tragic incident? Mxm, Senzo’s family needs to start bewitching everyone who was there that night . Maybe they will all confess
Woman charged for murder, she gets more screen time. Man, suspected without proof for stealing a pen, they get canceled. interesting.
Cancel culture only happens to man, imagine being accused of killing your boyfriend then get a deal continue like nothing happened
Women have it good in this country, they rewarded with deals for defeating the ends of justice while many men loss their income by just mere allegations of misconduct. GBV & femicide stats will continue to thrive long as double standards presides in this feminized society

Alot of tweeps and Senzo Meyiwa’s fans are also concerned on why is Kelly Khumalo and her family getting this millions deal while they are still accused, and they believe that it is not fair to Senzo’s family. The most concern is why Kelly Khumalo not cancelled until she is proven not guilty.

do you think Kelly and her sister should go on with this documentary? Share your thoughts on the comments section below.