Kario and Nadia Nakai moment got viewer crying: Kario is strong kid

Kario Forbes literally got Nadia Nakai to stop crying and her bravery shocked viewers on twitter, at the memorial service of Keirnan Forbes Nadia Nakai couldn’t hold her tears back until she got comfort from the only daught of the late Keirnan Forbes.


Mizer says that moment of Kario and Nadia is good enough to get you crying and the reaction under his tweep, almos all the viewers can relate to the emotional moment expressed by the little girl.

Kario Forbes lost a good father who always put her daughter first, we all witnessed that Keirnan Forbes was a good father to her daughter and also he was a good son to his mother and father.

To the world he was extraordinary he was able to give people joy with his music that was special about him, today family fans and colleagues are paying their last respect to him after he was killed in Durban.