Kanaga Junior from Big Brother Titans brought more fashion to the red carpet at the AMVCA9 last nigh

Kanaga Junior never disappoints his fans when it comes to fashion. He always brings it to the red carpet. Many people remember him how he dressed at the finale of the Big Brother Titans, he was different. Just like last night, he wore a Nigerian attire and he looked very handsome.


I love how he dress because he loves his traditional attire a lot and his designer understood what he had to make for him. Kanaga is a true model, hopefully he will become one of the biggest models internationally.

Kanaga Junior and his friends are mostly seen during the special occasions and get to meet their fans, because Big Brother does not promote them like he needs to. Kanaga got to meet with the South African like Tsatsii and Juicy Jay since they also attended these awards and had a great time.