Kairo and her grandmother wishes Nadia Nakai a happy birthday. She was given gifts

Nadia Nakai was having a birthday party to enjoy, and she was supported by her friends, Kairo and Lynn Forbes, who wished her a great birthday. She was looking happier, and the family of AKA has taken her as someone who is part of the family. She has a great relationship with Kairo, and that is something she did not lose.

Kiernan is no longer alive, but he managed to put them together, and now they have to move on with their lives, but that does not mean they have to forget about him. The memories they are having with him and music will always be part of their lives. It is important for you as an artist to make music that will last longer without your presence.


Nadia brought a chef to cook for them, and she hosted an intimate party. It is good because she will have a chance to move on even though she does not seek someone who is ready. She has admitted that it will become very hard for her to have another partner in her life. AKA had left a huge gap in her life because she was not expecting to lose him that early.

But then it will not be good to think of the past all the time. You have a great life to heal from the past that was painful for you, and then she will have another opportunity to find a new partner. Many people have been in her situation before, but they have managed to get another partner. It cannot be difficult for her to move forward, and such life experiences are part of life. She is a musician, and she can put it into the music.

“AKA’s mother, Lynn Forbes, took to her Instagram page and posted a heartwarming video of Kairo giving Nadia flowers for her birthday. Wishing Nadia a happy birthday, glammy said she is grateful for the person that she is.”

She added: “You are one of the most beautiful humans I know, and your light radiates from within. Thank you for being you. You are a blessing, and it is an honour to know you. Keep on shining your light into the world.”