Just Incase You Thought She Has No Future : She Is A Pilot [FICTION]

Arianna Katt has been trending on social media for the past few days after the video of her dancing to ‘John vuli gate’ with her friends.

People were bashing her squad, but especially her. People kept saying that she is a dumb girl that is just beauty without brains. Turns out the girl is a pilot.

She is a beautiful, intelligent girl that knows how to have fun and enjoy herself. And that is okay, she is enjoying her youth.

A picture of her wearing her uniform getting her pilot license shut up all her haters.

People automatically think that just because you are beautiful and have a lot of fun, and they are on social media, then that means that they have no future.

Social media is a brutal place, it is not for the faint hearted.

Some people think that that is not her in the picture, but it is.

Content created and supplied by: nqobilem_