Following the occurrence of this, Judge Thembi Seete advised against returning to IdolsSA.Even though the current season of Idols South Africa is drawing to a close, viewers have already begun to demand that Thembi Seete be eliminated from the competition for the upcoming season.This year, Seete joined Somizi Mhlongo and JR on the jury for the 18th season of Idols South Africa.
After this happened, Judge Thembi Seete was told not to return to IdolsSA again. Viewers are furious because a growing number of people are demanding that Thembi Seete be removed from her position as a judge for the upcoming season.The viewers continue to assert that Thembi Seete gets a lot of her information from Somizi Mhlongo, giving the impression that Seete does not belong on the judging panel.
On Twitter, viewers are calling for multiple seats for Thembi Seete in season 19 and expressing their outrage.These viewers have voiced their opinions without hesitation.Additionally, viewers are complaining that Seete doesn’t contribute anything to the judges’ panel and that she would be better suited for an acting career.
To express their disapproval of Thembi Seete’s participation in the nineteenth season of Idols South Africa, Twitter users even went to the trouble of creating a hashtag.Even though this could be Seete’s first time judging, the audience doesn’t seem to care that she’s best known for her work in acting and singing.
The lack of Thembi Seete’s distinctive voice as a judge receives the most criticism from viewers.Because she frequently imitates Somizi Mhlongo, viewers argue that her qualifications as a judge should be questioned.
The lack of Thembi Seete’s distinctive voice as a judge receives the most criticism from viewers.Due to the number of times she repeats what Somizi Mhlongo has said, viewers claim that she is unqualified to be a judge.