Jub Jub fails to pay back R125 000

City Press reports that popular Uyajola 9/9 host, Jub Jub, is failing to pay back a Joburg woman her R125 000 that she gave him to pay legal fees in 2011.Jub Jub

Ellen Nkutha says she cashed out her pension to pay for Jub Jub‘s legal fees and now he is ignoring her calls. She has been trying to call him since he was released in 2017.Nkutha said before Jub Jub was jailed, she accommodated him and Kelly Khumalo in her house and gave them money and groceries.

In September 2019, Nkutha said she went to Jub Jub ‘s employers, Moja Love to ask for help with getting back her money back, and they advised her to serve them with a garnished order.

The unemployed Nkutha said she could not go through with the garnishee order process hoping that Jub Jub would finally come to his senses and pay her money.

Nkutha said she and Jub Jub’s mother, Mama Jackie, were friends but fell out after she accommodated Kelly Khumalo in her house.

She said when Jub Jub was in jail, she went to demand her money from his father but he told her she must get her money from Jub Jub.