Jojo follows Mbalis father and gets the shock of his life, is this the end of Mbalis scheme

Jojo on discovering the truth about his wife

Mbali has been put in a tight position by Jojo as he wants her to convince her father to invest in Uthuli waste after his parents took all the company’s money and disappeared.






Mbali has set meetings with her father to meet with Jojo so they can pitch to him. The pitch seemed to have gone well and Jojo has high hopes.

Mbali’s father rejects Jojo’s proposal but Jojo wants to meet him again because he needs his investment. Malume refuses to meet with Jojo but Mbali convinces him to go meet Jojo for the last time.

After the meeting, Jojo decides to follow Malume and gets the shock of his life as to where he stays. He set on finding out exactly what’s happening so he lays a trap, as he thinks everything is fine a shocking truth comes out and puzzle pieces start to slot together.

Could this be the end of the Mbali’s game?