Jakes is getting suspicious about this baby situation. It might be time to tell him the truth

Winnie was about to give birth at Tembisa and she had no one to call. When she called her mother, uncle Jakes answered the phone. He was worried about Winnie’s whereabouts and suddenly he heard her screaming.

He asked what was wrong and she said that the baby was on the way and that she was currently in Tembisa. Uncle Jakes told her not to worry because he would call Jojo to let him know about Winnie’s situation so that he could go and help her but Winnie refused. He told uncle Jakes not to tell Jojo anything because he is not supposed to know anything about the baby.

Jakes told winnie to tell her friend to take her to hospital and that he would find her there. Indeed she did that. When Jakes and her sister when to fetch Mbali he was surprised to see that Mbali’s stomach was flat. When he asked her about her stomach they told him that they would explain to him at the hospital then Mbali grabbed her fake belly on the bed and they left.